check one by oneの例文


  1. Since the tactic used is to make hundreds of small editions, reverting the article will eliminate all the changes-- but it is impossible to check one by one.
  2. They know that their articles will be attacked endlessly by POV pushers, who will present a series of minor sources that the editor will have to check one by one in order to rebuff them.


  1. "check on ground"の例文
  2. "check on it"の例文
  3. "check on me"の例文
  4. "check on the quality"の例文
  5. "check on work attendance"の例文
  6. "check oneself"の例文
  7. "check online"の例文
  8. "check operation"の例文
  9. "check operator"の例文
  10. "check order"の例文
  11. "check on the quality"の例文
  12. "check on work attendance"の例文
  13. "check oneself"の例文
  14. "check online"の例文

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